Saturday, November 21, 2009


Welcome my family n friends

We would definitely not consider ourselves a deathcore band. We would describe us as a modern death metal band or even just a metal band. What we doing and the music we're playing is just our generation’s personal interpretation of what old school death metal bands like Cannibal Corpse and Suffocation did 20 years ago. we taking that aggression and mood, modernizing it, and then combining it with all of our own tastes and other various influences we've picked up a long the way. People can call it what they will, but we just calling it metal.

And as far as categorizing a band and labeling them in a certain genre goes, that whole situation is a bloodied double edged sword. It's the listener that defines where a band belongs, and it's those same listeners and musical elitists that seem to have turned genre names like "metalcore" and "deathcore" into insults. Throwing up those walls around a band by confining them to a certain genre could be unintentional murder if the band doesn't have a means to break out of those metaphorical walls. Whether those means be the creative ability, money and support for that genres market, or just failure to replicate a certain sound that was achieved on a past record. It's a tough game I playing, but its fun as fuck and I wouldn't have it any other way right now.

I constantly working on new material; we're just waiting for the proper time to bring all that shit forth. At this point in time we already have our first full length finished and ready to be put out...we're just waiting for it to be released. So right now isn't the best time to be actively working on new material as a band since the old material isn't even out yet, but that’s not to say we're not working on new shit individually though. We have a few new songs already laid out, about four or five new ones I believe.

That's one of the biggest misconceptions about me I think. The musical elitists come in and label us as something without fully understanding what we're about. Being labeled a "deathcore" act and then seeing us perform live are two completely different things. I'm not denouncing deathcore or anything; it just doesn't exist in INFIRMITIES camp. But breakdowns in general have become extremely monotonous and predictable. In my opinion it’s gotten this way because of how easy it is to get a 16 year old scene kid flailing his fucking arms...haha! people just don't have to try as hard. I don't know...I could go on, but then I would just get as monotonous as the subject itself haha!

I actually don't have an album out yet, but we're working on it. The album is definitely done it should be out sooner then later. We hope. In the mean time you can stay updated with us and hear tracks off of our myspace page ( I'm also sure you can download some of our tracks from one of those music blogspot download sites if you feel like going on a cyber hunt for our music, but otherwise I'd stick with the myspace, facebook (, purevolume ( or anything else you can find on the world wide inter web. And to those people who just recently came across us and our music, thank you for giving us a chance. We'll do our best not to disappoint haha . From 20 november 1999 till now . . .we still KICK ASS

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